Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Main composers characteristics Essays

Main composers characteristics Essays Main composers characteristics Paper Main composers characteristics Paper which uses only five notes instead of the usual seven notes. Pictures at an Exhibition is now best known in the orchestrated version by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), completed in 1922. Perhaps by coincidence, the first attempts at making color motion pictures occurred about this same time. Ravels version greatly developed the impact of the music by replacing the black- and-white sounds of the piano with the blooming color of the full late-Romantic A violent social disruption that shook Europe was the outbreak of World War l. The strongest challenge to the authority of the Germans came from their enemies, the French. The earliest indications of modernism were French artists and writers, who abandoned the grandiose subjects and expressions of Romanticism. Impressionist artists wished to capture on canvas the freshness of their first impressions and were assonated with the continuous change in the appearance of their subjects through varied treatment of light and color. French composers began to ridicule the sentimentality of Romanticism and the lavish structures of German music which was said to be too pretentious and preposterous. This new music was given the name Impressionism. Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Debussy spent most of his time in the company of poets and painters. Pr ©elude leap ©s-midi dun fauna (Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun), and the symphonic poem La mere (The Sea, 1905), were the works I studied this term. The composer believed that music doesnt need to progress and evolve to be pleasing to the listener. To Debussy, color and texture might exist independent of the melody and, perhaps, overshadow it, preferring fleeting splashes of sound color rather than sweeping sinkable melodies or musical development. There are no repeating rhythms or clear-cut meters to push the Debussy music forward; instead of a melody as we know it, I hear a twisting, undulating swirl of sound. Debussy music honors the distinctive colors of instruments, especially woodwinds, to suggest vibrant moods and sensations. From Debussy forward, imposers began to think of color as an independent expressive element, capable of eliciting a strong emotional response. The technological advancements that led to the modern symphony orchestra transformed nineteenth-century music. Our reaction to the orchestra today is very different from the response of nineteenth-century listeners. Apart from the military cannon and the steam engine, the nineteenth-century orchestra produced the loudest sonic level of any human machine. The big sound?and the big contrasts were new and startling, and audiences packed ever-larger concert halls to hear them.

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